The Best African Countries to Visit


If you’re looking for a place to go on your next vacation, you should consider visiting one of the best African countries. In addition to its natural beauty, Africa offers many activities and attractions. There are countless reasons to visit a place like Kenya or Tanzania.

Serengeti Plains

If you’re looking for a place where you can see the wildest animals, a trip to the Serengeti Plains in Tanzania will do the trick. The park features more than 25,000 square kilometers of treeless savannah and is one of the best places on Earth to see the Great Migration. This annual migration is one of nature’s most spectacular spectacles, and you’ll see two million wildebeests and gazelles crossing the plains every year. The park is also home to four of the world’s most endangered and threatened species.

Game drives are among the most popular activities for visitors to the Serengeti. While many people enjoy the thrill of watching animals on a safari vehicle, they may prefer to experience the wildlife from other modes. Many world-class lodges offer night game drives outside the Serengeti.

Etosha National Park

Namibia is one of the best places in the world to go on safari, and Etosha National Park is one of its most famous attractions. The park, located near the city of Windhoek, is well known for its epic game drives. In addition, its flat, hot land is home to a variety of wildlife. The park is accessible by air, as well as by 4WD vehicles.

Namibia is home to Etosha National Park, a vast wilderness area surrounded by semi-desert grasslands and a vast lake bed. Etosha is perhaps Namibia’s most unique destination, with a wide variety of safari options, ranging from romantic honeymoon safaris to game viewing expeditions.


Kenya is one of the most popular African countries to visit, boasting a diverse range of attractions and a developing tourism industry. Kenya is a great vacation destination with a warm climate year-round and friendly people. The country is made up of many ethnic groups but has a strong sense of national pride. This unity may be rooted in the country’s long struggle to gain independence from British colonial rule.

The country is home to many national parks and game reserves. Nairobi National Park, for example, is less than 20 minutes away from the city’s central business district. There, you can see a variety of antelope species, buffaloes, monkeys, and big cats.


If you want to experience an authentic African safari, then Zambia is the place to go. The country has no fences between its national parks, no cars crowding the roads, and no hordes of tourists scaring the animals away. As a result, it is an excellent place for a safari because of its diverse wildlife. Some of the best parks in the country include the Lower Zambezi National Park, South Luangwa National Park, and Kafue National Park. You can also experience game drives and horseback safaris in these parks. If you are interested in seeing large herds of antelope, specialized camps here cater to visitors’ needs.

In addition to game drives and hiking, visitors can take a boat trip on the Zambezi River. Those interested in wildlife may also want to visit the Kafue National Park, the largest park in southern Africa and situated in the Busanga Plains. The park is best visited during the dry season, from June to October. While the park has no rhinos, you can still go on a lion, cheetah, and African wild dog safaris.


Tunisia is often considered a tropical beach destination, but this Mediterranean country has far more to offer. From its ancient ruins and sweeping dunes to its sun-soaked beaches and crowded souks, this country offers visitors a taste of every aspect of North Africa.

The climate in Tunis is the Mediterranean, making it comfortable to visit all year round. Although the country experiences high temperatures during summer, temperatures remain cool at night. In winter, temperatures can drop to freezing. This climate makes Tunisia an ideal destination for travelers looking for a temperate climate.


Seychelles is an ideal choice if you’re looking for a safe, tropical vacation in the Indian Ocean. This country has a stable government and a solid tourism industry. As a result, most visitors choose to stay in one of the many beach resorts. However, it would help if you were wary of riptides when swimming.

Seychelles has 115 islands, which makes it an excellent choice for vacationers. The most popular ones include Mahe and Praslin. Both have convenient public transport and plenty of lodging options. There are even accessible beaches for travelers to enjoy.