Learn the Basics of Go in a Few Hours


The basics of Go are easier to learn than you might think, and you can be up and running in no time. However, it’s still a complicated language relative to dynamic languages, and it’s best to start with a simpler language, such as Ruby or JavaScript. However, if you’re already familiar with coding, you can learn the basics of Go in a few hours and become a proficient programmer after investing some time.

Stacking defer

The defer function is a useful way to perform clean-up operations after tests or handle panics within a function. However, it can be confusing for newcomers to understand the argument evaluation and execution order. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use defer with lambdas.

Defer functions are used in C++ to delay the execution of a function until it returns. The argument to the defer statement is a pointer to the return value of the function being called. Anonymous return value functions may also be passed to the deferred function. When a function returns a value, the function that is called it is called before the surrounding function.

The defer bit is an 8-bit binary code used for optimization. You can use as many as eight defers. This bit determines whether the defer statement is set at runtime or not. If it is, then the call is made. The number of deferring declarations that are met is the state of a block.

Stacking defer statement is a common way to delay the execution of a function. It allows you to avoid waiting for a function to finish before calling another one. When the function returns, all deferred statements are invoked unless the last one on the stack was canceled by the first.

The variable name is case-sensitive.

In Go programming, the first letter of a variable’s name has a special meaning. Variables that start with an uppercase letter are accessible outside the package, while those with lowercase letters are only accessible within the package. Identifying a variable is easy with the help of identifiers, which can be any combination of alphanumeric characters and underscores. White space is also used to make variables more readable.

For example, the variable ‘ABC’ will clash with ‘ABC’ if both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are used in the same scope. This is due to case sensitivity. The convention of using lower-case letters for variable names in Go is not followed in C++.

Variable names in Go can consist of any sequence of characters but should never start with a number. Variable names must also be case-sensitive, so you need to avoid using ‘$’ and ”$’ as variables. Otherwise, the variable name might be given special meaning and might not be passed through the environment to sub-make.

The best solution to avoid this situation is to ensure that your variable name is always case-sensitive in Go. However, this may not be possible in all cases, as different developers have different naming conventions. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt a consistent naming convention across all projects.

Types of variables

In Go, variables are used to store different kinds of data. There are two types of variables: integer and string. Integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. They are also known as an int in Go. You should not use commas in numbers that are four digits or more. Integers are used for different purposes, such as for printing stuff. You can also use them to store data, such as numbers, strings, or slices.

In Go, variables are declared as keys and values using the map keyword. A key can be either an integer or a string, and the value can be a number, character, or string. These variables can be used to store data and can be accessed by index. Keys and values may also be defined as user-defined types.

Variables are essential components of Go programs. Each variable has a specific data type named by a specific syntax. In Go, variables are always mutable, meaning the value can change after being declared. You can change the value of a variable by assigning it a different value.

There are different types of variables in Go, and it is important to learn the differences between them. The type of a variable depends on the architecture it is used in. Integers are either 32-bit or 64-bit. They can have positive or negative values and can be long or short integers.


You can use goroutines when you need to run several functions in parallel. These are independent activities with a 2KB stack size and can communicate with each other over channels. These functions run in the same process but can run separately on separate CPU cores. You can learn about goroutines in the How To Define and Call Functions in the Go tutorial.

Another advantage of goroutines is that they are much smaller than threads, occupying only a small amount of stack space. They can also be multiplexed on a smaller number of OS threads, so they require fewer resources. For example, creating 1,000 goroutines would require only one or two full threads, while creating 1,000 java threads would require many operating system threads.

Goroutines are lightweight threads that are managed by the Go runtime. Each time you call a goroutine, the Go runtime will create a new one. The new goroutine will then execute your function. Goroutines are often used in parallel programs to improve performance, but potential dangers exist.

When developing programs, it’s important to learn how to solve deadlocks. Deadlocks are a common problem in programs. Fortunately, deadlocks are rarely fatal, so avoiding them is important.

FizzBuzz implementation

This Go tutorial covers the FizzBuzz implementation in Go. The FizzBuzz implementation is an example of an idiomatic Go “Hello World” style program. It’s a simple yet highly useful example. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the idioms used in this implementation and explain why they are useful for Go.

FizzBuzz is a problem that can be difficult for a new programmer to understand. This is why it’s important to understand its core pattern, as this can be applied to many real-world programs. For example, data journalism often uses the FizzBuzz problem.

Besides the FizzBuzz implementation, this tutorial includes the Fizz Buzz Woof implementation. The Fizz Buzz Woof algorithm is used to replace numbers in a series. For example, the number three becomes “Fizz,” 5 becomes “Buzz,” and 7 becomes “Woof.” There are some rules to follow to create a FizzBuzz implementation in Go. The main rule is that a word should replace a number. In addition, the word must be divisible by two, and two instances of a number must be said in the title.

The final implementation of the FizzBuzz method uses the range method, while the first method does not print the results. As a result, the new method is more convenient.

Creating a slice

In this Go tutorial, we’ll create a slice and use it to store multiple elements. This data type is useful for storing large amounts of data and iterating over them repeatedly. It also makes modification of these elements easy. We’ll also look at the types of slices and how they work.

A slice is a sub-array of an array. It has a fixed length, capacity, and pointer to the first element. The pointer to the slice is passed by value. Because the pointer to a slice refers to the underlying array, any changes made within the slice will be visible to any elements outside the slice.

Go’s library has a make() function that lets you create a slice. You can also create a slice from an array with the make() function. The make function takes three arguments: an array, a slice name, and a capacity. The make function will allocate the appropriate amount of memory for the array.

A slice is similar to an array but much more powerful. A slice is a way to store multiple values of the same type. A slice can contain as many as two hundred characters.