What Happens When a Web Page Loads Completely?


1. The DOM has been generated.

When a web page loads, its browser generates an object-oriented model called the Document Object Model (DOM). This represents not only text in tables but also individual elements like header and footer elements within documents like header and footer elements.

Each element has a distinct name, and the Document Object Model (DOM) holds all its associated information – attributes and child nodes. You can access this database by right-clicking an element and choosing “Inspect.” A DOM Tree panel appears, and your viewport scrolls automatically to show that element. Furthermore, menu items appear on the right side of this panel for navigation purposes.

The DOM contains methods that let you generate JavaScript paths directly to individual nodes, making them helpful when automating testing or scripting tools need access to specific nodes. For instance, getElementsByTagName() returns an array with descendants matching any given tag name that begins at position [0].

If you want to create a JavaScript path to an element, select it in the DOM Tree and click Inspect. Or right-click a node in the Tree and choose Duplicate element – this copies it into another location within the DOM.

DevTools allows you to save a node as a global variable so you can refer back to it later. For instance, right-click li>The Brothers Karamazov/li> below and choose Inspect; when the DOM Tree panel opens, you can then select Store as a Global Variable with $0 being its value; so when referenced later, it would evaluate to li>The Brothers Karamazov/li>.