What is Socialization?


Socialization is a process of internalizing the ideologies and norms of society. It involves learning and teaching. It ensures continuity of social life. There are many stages of socialization. Learn about these stages in this article. The socialization stages are critical to a child’s growth and development.


The socialization process is when a new employee is introduced to the working environment of a firm. This process reduces the new employee’s feelings of anxiety and helps them adjust to the work environment and the existing employees. While socialization may differ from firm to firm, its primary aim is to make new employees productive as early as possible. The process also involves giving new employees detailed information about the job they will be performing.

Socialization aims to develop impulse control and conscience, prepare individuals for their social roles and cultivate a sense of shared meaning and value. Socialization occurs throughout one’s life and is essential when entering a new group. Adults also need to undergo a socialisation process as they move into new workplaces. For example, stay-at-home mothers may feel out of place when transitioning back to the workforce. Therefore, they must undergo a socialization process to adjust to their new workplace environment, which may involve learning about the culture and history of the organization.


The first stage of socialization occurs during the first three months of life. In this stage, the child becomes a family member and learns how to share love and affection with others. They are also taught how to distinguish between right and wrong behaviours and get rewarded for correct behaviour. Eventually, they become independent and participate in a more complex social system.

The second socialisation stage occurs when the child is exposed to other people outside their family. For example, they meet neighbours, other relatives, and schoolmates. These interactions affect the child’s behaviour significantly.


Socialization is vital to a society, ensuring members have the same aspirations and values. It helps maintain cultural continuity and opens up opportunities for new achievements. It also allows new generations to avoid starting social life from scratch and can build on previous generations’ experiences. As a result, socialization helps to keep society healthy and helps reduce social distance.

Socialization can happen in various ways and influence the values passed down from generation to generation. For example, children from poor backgrounds may be less likely to receive an education in the United States. Instead, they may learn to rely on effort and outside achievement to get by. This may be because of the poverty or hardships of their families.

Stages of socialization

Socialization is a process that occurs in childhood and begins at birth. It involves the internalization of family values, norms, and attitudes. It is not a single process; every region and country has its unique social norms and expectations. For instance, a child born into an upper-class British family will be socialized differently than a child born into a low-income Los Angeles neighbourhood. However, children can adapt to different social environments by developing various social skills.

Socialization is a long process that progresses from simplicity to complexity. In early socialization, the child learns to communicate through language and develops an appreciation for different roles and perspectives. Socialization continues throughout the child’s life. The primary agents of socialization are the family and the school.

Stages of resocialization

Socialization is a lifelong process that includes learning new norms and values. Sometimes, resocialization is voluntary, such as when a person joins the military. The norms and values in the military are very different from those in civilian life. However, even if resocialization is voluntary, there are still specific steps that the individual needs to take to make sure that their behaviour is acceptable in the group.

Total institutions: In the United States, 6.9 million people were living in prisons and penitentiaries as of 2012. Every branch of the military is a total institution. These institutions attempt to break their residents’ identities by forcing them to surrender their personal belongings and get uniform haircuts. They also subject them to humiliating processes, such as strip searches and fingerprinting.